About Soiree on the Swamp
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Soirée on the Swamp, JP at Home, on the deck at the Marsh House, 262 Jordan Rd, Dartmouth, MA, most Thursdays, 5 - 7.
More About the Soirée
An ever-evolving Thursday afternoon community of friends getting together to contemplate my favorite landscape subject, the Allen's Pond Salt Marsh, from the deck or campsite and share news, scandal, gossip, politics or silence, washed down with cheap wine, crackers and cheese. Entirely optional: whatever you bring or can find in the refrigerator. Or nothing. Just come. When the sun sets, I give three blasts on the conch and probably go to bed.
Questions: Text 508-951-7911 or email [email protected]
Dress for chilly. Marsh is usually @ 10 degrees cooler than elsewhere.
Go to the end of Jordan Rd. Straight onto gravel drive. Follow signs to 262. Box wine cheese and crackers as usual.
The only thing we want is the gift of your presence and conversation.
Friends, kids, dogs welcome.
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For current status, please check your email. Sign up link below,
Soirée on the Swamp, JP at Home, on the deck at the Marsh House, 262 Jordan Rd, Dartmouth, MA, most Thursdays, 5 - 7.
More About the Soirée
An ever-evolving Thursday afternoon community of friends getting together to contemplate my favorite landscape subject, the Allen's Pond Salt Marsh, from the deck or campsite and share news, scandal, gossip, politics or silence, washed down with cheap wine, crackers and cheese. Entirely optional: whatever you bring or can find in the refrigerator. Or nothing. Just come. When the sun sets, I give three blasts on the conch and probably go to bed.
Questions: Text 508-951-7911 or email [email protected]
Dress for chilly. Marsh is usually @ 10 degrees cooler than elsewhere.
Go to the end of Jordan Rd. Straight onto gravel drive. Follow signs to 262. Box wine cheese and crackers as usual.
The only thing we want is the gift of your presence and conversation.
Friends, kids, dogs welcome.
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